Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mayhem in Mayberry

I'm playing single mama this week as the Hubs is out of town (again). I just learned that he may have to work on Saturday too (yippee).

So far this week we've had viruses all around--Mr. O started running a fever on Tuesday which was quickly accompanied by yucky poops, Baby E followed suit beginning Wednesday evening, and I, while having not completely succumb to sickness, have felt generally yuck all day.

We have also had two lovely tantrums compliments of Mr. O on our way home from work/daycare in the last few days. Both occurred at two (different) local stores we had to swing by for necessities. Both wonderful displays of behavior were generated by Mr. O's demand for snacks, and my insistence that he would receive nothing unless his demands were accompanied by a "please" (classic power battle in our home). In both instances I stood there in my work clothes, sweaty and exhausted, Baby E strapped to my chest in the Bjorn, and tried everything in my power to redirect The O and talk him through his feelings. Such a rational approach was wholly unappreciated by The O, and instead resulted in my son attempting to hit both me and his 2-month-old little brother. While I know everyone in the respective stores was thinking, lady, just give him a damn snack, mama is a hard ass about demanding pleases, and I don't care who gets pissed off in the process.

Baby E has also initiated his own version of the tantrum as he is almost 3 months and has entered the lovely phase of hating life between 6:30 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. (like clockwork, every night). While I can't blame him as that is generally the time I wish the world would go away as well, unfortunately it is also the time I am struggling to throw together dinner for The O, do bath time with The O, read books to The O, etc. So basically, memo to infant son: pick a more convenient time to have your melt-downs.

In addition to the chaos that is young children, my two batshit crazy dogs have decided to reenact Animal Planet safari expeditions in our backyard this week, and kill not one, but two baby possums, which were then deposited on our porch for my viewing pleasure. They will stay on said porch until the Hubs brings his workin' butt home and redeposits them elsewhere.

So basically, I'm flying solo and I feel like we may be approaching engine failure. Please send help.


SunnyD said...

Oh dear god woman.

I'm sending you big hugs. And am completely impressed with your coping strategies and balls of steel.

Hold out on the little man, people in the store be damned. We get a lot of demands around here. And me saying, "No" to things isn't going over well.

Amy said...

I'm on my own for the next two days, also. In fact, I'm making a break for Tolono on saturday. The outlet mall seems to soothe the savage beast. Let me know if you want to meet up for lunch after the market or something!

And we STILL have a witching hour around here during that same time, if it makes you feel any better. You know, solidarity and all that.

Lindsay said...

Losseyfur-good to know I'm not the only one that is going to the mats with a two-year-old dictator. Ugh, they definitely have an energy advantage.

Mrs. Chicken-
I hit up the Tuscola outlet mall on my lunch break today (we have an office in Tuscola) and Carter's is have a HUGE sale . . . as is Striderite. I made out like a bandit for both kiddos.

I'd love to meet up either for lunch or after the market--email me if that would still work for you.